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 Dowsing Diploma Qualifying level 1
availability dates:
 May 3rd, 4th 11th 12th
2024 £100 per course. 10- 4pm
 Check dates available by request
Many think dowsing is just about finding water but there is so much more to learn by using this method when you need to find answers to your questions by tuning into your higher self and learning to trust your yes/no answers.
 read on and find out what dowsing is really about.

This course is a great way to start your spiritual journey or to brush up on those lost and forgotten skills. My work is of a practical & written level followed by an assessment of the day's work. working by this method really sinks in and will be a more enjoyable experience.

A full colour folder is given on the day with everything you need to continue on your journey including D.H.H.S code of ethics.

Some of the practical tasks are:

Dowsing using many tools, finding how to program clear, and understanding the importance of using dowsing safely and correctly.

Dowsing water qualities is it drinkable, contaminated, filtered, and or blessed. skills to learn with what enters your body.

Locating where your chakras are within the body & which direction they rotate. ARE THEY BALANCED DO THEY NEED HEALING. 

Dowsing for map coordinates & ancient monuments.

Dowsing for invisible energy lines showing how energy is easily created by ourselves and how to remove them.

Finding each other's auras and understanding the power of positive and negative thinking, demonstrable on how it affects your auric field by reducing its strength.   this is done and shown by simply using a negative thought.

 if you're considering starting the 12 MONTH Home Healing Practitioners Diploma this is the foundation to working correctly, safely & how detrimental energies affect our everyday lives.

A pendulum is a tool that should be used for even the simplest questions and a need to know basis.

This course work will be held in a safe environment.

following the D.H.H.S code and ethics of dowsing practice.

Places are limited to a max of 6 and the exchange for the day is £133

A non-refundable deposit of 50% is required to secure your place.


                            Bank Transfer.  HSBC 403905 61213148

and tea coffee/ biscuits will be provided throughout the day and please bring a packed lunch.

Bring your pendulums, and a few are available to purchase on the day.

Look forward to seeing you for a wonderful day of discovery.

Please inbox with your details for certification and location address will be given. location is

Fair Oak Eastleigh Hampshire.



Dowsing Diploma Advanced Level 2 

May 17th 18th 26th 

  10-4.00pm £110

 Check dates available by request








Discover if the foods/drink you consume are compatible with your body.

Finding out how to close a negative portal and shut down a spirit highway.

You will conduct a spirit rescue safely and correctly. This course leads towards the Home Healing PRACTITIONERS DIP. which is very complex.

You will team up in pairs and commence dowsing using your higher self to discover if you're retaining negative emotions within your own DNA.

This is under supervision to help remove those lifelong emotions that do not serve and store within the human genetic makeup.

Certain incidents reignite old feelings as if fresh on the day. My work is of a practical level followed by an assessment of the day's work done. Working by this method really sinks in and it is a more enjoyable experience.

A full colour folder is given on the day with everything you need to continue on your journey including DHHS code of ethics.

This diploma course  lead on to the 12 month Home Healing Practitioners Diploma. This is the foundation to working correctly and professionally.

A pendulum is a tool that should be used for even the simplest questions and a need-to-know basis.

Following the DHHS code and ethics of dowsing practice.

Places are limited to a max of 4- 6 and the exchange for the day is £125

A nonrefundable deposit of 50% is required to secure your place

 Bank Transfer.

HSBC 403905 61213148 Lindsey Hepburn

tea coffee/ biscuits will be provided throughout the day and please bring a packed lunch.

Bring your pendulums, a few are available to purchase on the day.Please inbox with your details for certification and location number will be given after booking Location is






    10-4.30pm  £100.   23rd May 2024 

 check dates available by request 








This wonderful DIPLOMA course will guide you how to use

and feel the powerful vibrations and frequencies Lemurian crystals hold, within the structures of each one is quite remarkable, to say the least.

We will be finding out what they are, how they were discovered, and why they are so important. What is their purpose for mankind to use and understand their power and capabilities?

To use these very powerful crystals, we will be connecting to the dolphins, Dragons, mother Mary, Lemurians, and the ancients.

During meditations and healing work.

We will also conduct remote work using grid-work for the planets healing and heal each other on a higher level that’s now available to use.

By doing so only two Lemurian seed crystals are needed to connect to all other lemurian crystal seeds globally. 

These crystals are extremely powerful and working with both crystals at the same time amplifies all healing 90% and is quite remarkable what they are able to do.

This course is something else and will awaken your spiritual gifts and raise your own vibration extremely fast. they give you the confidence to believe in yourself.

Places are limited to a max of 6 

A non-refundable deposit of 50% is required to secure your place.

 Bank Transfer.

HSBC 403905 61213148

and tea coffee/ biscuits will be provided throughout the day and please bring a packed lun





    12 Month course . dates by request 1 day per month required








To understand the concept of what is really going on within our homes and workplaces that cause ongoing problems and illness by discovering detrimental energies using and working with your dowsing skills. (Pendulums)

Level 1 and Level 2 Dowsing will of given you the foundation to complex healing and training over a 12 month period to clear and remove these problematic areas.

Detrimental energies affect our health and well-being and the

course is provided with care and professionalism. You will obtain

a Practitioners Diploma to continue to help many who do not understand the invisible energies that exist within our homes land

or workplaces.

some of the areas covered are as follows.

Geopathic stress, Ley lines, negative human energy fields, Earthbound attachments, lost and trapped spirit, power objects negative emotions left from divorced homes or left from previous occupants, disruptive sleep patterns, increase in tiredness, headaches, insomnia, lack of concentration, anger, depression and so much more which contribute to exaggerated illnesses that is increasing.

Along with TVs, microwaves, mobile phones, smart meters, substations, overhead pylons, WIFI, widgets, and 5G. These. EMFs are also reducing our body's ability to keep a healthy strong Auric field.

.These all have a negative impact on the human body and our well-being.

Negative human emotion does travel through the walls of your homes from many miles away and by using the correct tools can be cleared for a more peaceful life.

This work is done remotely through mapping out properties and working, supporting each other during the process to proceed safely and confidently.

We will be healing family members and balancing the chakras once this work is completed with grounding and protection in place before and after work is completed..

It's a vast and fascinating subject to learn about and is for those who have a good understanding of using a pendulum.

if you are new to using a pendulum I recommend dowsing levels 1 and 2 prior as your starting point.

All work is conducted in a safe environment and a strict code is followed by the BSD. there are excursions to sacred sites and haunted venues throughout the  12-month course.



A None refundable deposit is required to secure your place. course payments are made in advance. Course dates are flexible to work with the group.

tea /coffee is provided and please bring a packed lunch.

please email or message for more information about the course.






 10- 2:pm  MAY 31st  June 1st 2nd  & 7th  £70    

 dates available by request







This workshop that awakens the higher frequencies within each of us that has been buried deep within the super subconscious mind for many lifetimes, is now here to help you discover your own abilities and work with the new frequencies and understand who you really are.

The gift of speaking and receiving light codes and light languages is a wonderfully exhilarating experience. Many new

and different beings of light are pouring into our planet to help with the task of upgrading into the 5th dimension and the activation of 3 new chakras that have been dormant for many lifetimes here on earth.

 I started speaking light language 4 years ago and was always woken up during the night to receive these codes and special words. I recorded Many over the years and speak the fluent light language and was guided to speak this freely during healing sessions, be it people animals the earth, or the universe. 

THE Lemurian people came through to awaken my gifts and working with the Lemurian seed and the new Lemurian code keeper crystals have amplified newer light languages to develop naturally. These coding and spoken language are galactic and it is not always necessary for us to decipher what the words mean but because they come through the heart and higher heart centers they are pure and unhindered. They cannot be changed or allow our ego to try to understand them but we do  in a spiritual sense.

 It is our higher self that is understanding every spoken word and coding that we receive, some you are able to decipher many are for the light body to heal on levels that are being discovered every moment of our awakening. 

this workshop is special as I will guide you to opening up these centers and allow you to receive everything that is right for each individual at the level you are at. Many have done this and say they won't be able but surprisingly they do and continue to speak and write. many draw images and are given healing signs to use on themselves and others. 


If you feel this is something you wish to learn then this is for you. it will accelerate your spiritual growth as we are all going in the same direction for a better world to JUST BE, and live as one loving race. 

please email or message for more information about the course.

 Bank transfer HSBC 403905 61213148








 Other Dates Available by Request 

  2 days £ 235. contact for more details


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